Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"What I'm Reading" Wednesday #105

For my first read of 2018 I'm in the middle of one of the books I received for Christmas and absolutely loving it. This "WIR"-Wednesday I'm Reading...

There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins
Love hurts...

Makani Young thought she'd left her dark past behind her in Hawaii, settling in with her grandmother in landlocked Nebraska. She's found new friends and has even started to fall for mysterious outsider Ollie Larsson. But her past isn't far behind.

Then, one by one, the students of Osborne Hugh begin to die in a series of gruesome murders, each with increasingly grotesque flair. As the terror grows closer and her feelings for Ollie intensify, Makani is forced to confront her own dark secrets.

Why I Chose This Book | What I Think So Far:
I first wanted to read this book back when I was doing my fall 2017 releases blog because it sounded amazing and reminded me of Scream but then when it came out I had second thoughts because I'd had a difficult reading year. Then just before Thanksgiving I flipped through it at Half Price Books and it looked good so I asked for it with the other things on my Christmas wishlist. I picked this one to read first because it was one of the shorter two I got and it grabbed me right away. It's thrilling and page-turning without being too gruesome and there's a lot of hints as to Makani's past so I can't wait to see what she did that was so wrong. I just got past the second murder which was a great scene - if a little unbelievable - to read. I'm not exactly sure, depending on the weapon used, that what the author suggested was the fate of this character would really be possible that easily. One thing is for sure, whoever the killer is and whatever their motive, they sure have a lot of strength! 

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