Monday, May 25, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Top 5 Favorite Opening Lines

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and The Bookish and currently hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl.

Top Ten Tuesday: 5 Opening Lines I've Never Forgotten

 This week's TTT is all about memorable opening lines (funny, shocking, unique, etc.) Here are a few of my favorites...

1.The Rebel Pirate by Donna Thorland

2. Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement-Moore

3. The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco

4. The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon
*this isn't technically a first line but its the first line of one of the main character's chapters.

5.The Boneless Mercies by April Genevieve Tucholke
What are some of your favorite opening lines?
Let me know  in the comments & drop me a link to your TTT!
Happy Reading Bookdragons!


  1. Ooh the line from The Boneless Mercies sounds fun!

    My TTT:

  2. That is a great opening line from The Rebel Pirate!

  3. You did such a nice job on this post. Did you use Canva to make these images? Not trying to sound like an ad or anything. It's just that I use that app for a volunteer gig I have and those photos look like the sort of stuff I make (and see there in general).

    My TTT .

  4. I can understand why these are hard to forget!

  5. It was only recently that I learned that goats can climb trees. That blows my mind. How does one get a goat out of a tree after he or she climbs up it? I suppose you simply need to wait for them to choose to come down themselves. :)

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
