Sunday, January 3, 2021

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - 4 January 2021

#IMWAYR is a weekly meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at The Book Date.

Happy Monday Bookdragons! Happy New Year! I hope you're off to good reading so far this year. My reading goal this year is to read more books I actually own before buying more.

What I Read Last Week: 

Among the Beasts & Briars by Ashley Poston

I had planned to start 2021 with a different book but I'm trying to pack up my books to move and this one was on the top of my book cart. It was just an okay read. I liked the forest and I liked the fox but I loathed the main character (for no real reason that I could think of). It didn't stand out to me and I'm sure if you ask me a month from now I'll have forgotten entirely what the story was about. It's sad because I am obsessing over the cover. 

Currently Reading:

Crier's War by Nina Varela

I swear I tried to read this book once before and couldn't get into it but when I started reading it now it was clear that I have never attempted this one before. I'm enjoying it and about halfway through. I could do with a little less on how the government/rebellion is run and more on the development of Crier and Ayla's romance though. I feel it coming up and it's kind of thrown at you... not sure how well it will work on page. We'll see. 

Next Read

The Grace Year by Kim Liggett

I've had a copy of this since it first came out and have heard really good things about it. Yet it falls into the pile of books I own apparently for no other reason but to take up shelf space. I think I'll give it a go next. 


What book was your first read of 2021?


  1. I'm with you about trying to read more books I actually own! My owned TBR is out of control and I'd like it to be a little less out of control as of 12/31/21! (Melinda @ A Web of Stories)

  2. My first read was This Has Been Lovely by a jessica Dettmann, it was a good choice ,)
    Good luck with the move.

    Wishing you a great reading week and a happy new year

  3. I own over 300 unread ebooks, so I've also set a goal of trying to get some of them read. I also want to read some non-fiction this year, but that means buying more books! Happy New Year and wishing you lots of great reads.

  4. I keep thinking I should read more of the books I own too. I did pull out one that has been unread for years to try soon. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
