Monday, January 11, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Bookish and Non-Bookish Goals for 2021

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and The Bookish and currently hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl.

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Bookish and Non-Bookish Goals for 2021
This week’s TTT is for resolutions/hopes, and goals for 2021 (bookish or not!). Most of my goals are non-bookish so I'll list my two bookish ones first...

1. Read for enjoyment and stop taking on books for reviews. (No more deadlines and pressure)

2. Read the books I actually own before buying more (Clear out my shelves to make room).

3. Drink More Water (I average about 32 ounces per day, I'd like to double it)

4. Get and Keep a New Job! (Most important since my last job as a caregiver ended when my grandmother passed away in December and I have no income currently)

5. Visit Josh (my long-distance boyfriend of 8 years, who lives in Nashville)

6. Decorate my walls & remember the moments (hang pictures of things/times I want to remember)

7. Try a new hobby (I want to learn to kayak this summer!)

8. Learn something new (I'd like to learn French)

9. Get my driver's license (Yes, I'm 28 and I have never gone through with actually getting my license)

10. Go to Michigan (Marquette, Michigan is one of my favorite places to visit and I haven't been there since 2016. I figure if I get my driver's license and can overcome my fear of the hilly roads there I can finally visit again)

What are some of your bookish or non-bookish goals for 2021?
Let me know in the comments or drop a link to your TTT!
Happy Reading Bookdragons!


  1. Drinking more water is a great idea! I have a reminder set on my phone so I do that every day. :)

    My post.

  2. I also want to get a job this year, but didn't put it on my list since it's not really something that's completely within my control, much as I wish it was!
    My TTT:

  3. Great list! I'm also trying to get a new job! Let's hope we both meet this goal!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  4. Learning a new language is always a good idea. Good luck!! My TTT
