Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Worlds I'd Want To Live In... Or Maybe Not

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Top Ten Tuesday: Five Bookish Worlds I'd Like to Live in and Five I Wouldn't

This week's TTT is about bookish worlds you'd like to step into and live in. Or, on the flip side, it is about terribly awful book worlds that you'd never want to live in. 

I'm packing my bags for...

1. Velaris (A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas)
Velaris is described as such a beautiful, vibrant city - a hidden city for artists and dreamers. It would be amazing to live there. Especially if Rhysand was there ;)

2. Sleepy Hollow (The Hollow Trilogy by Jessica Verday)
Ah - the legend, the cemetery, the feeling of fall. I'd love to live in the world of The Hollow Trilogy mixing perfumes with Abbey or watching Caspian draw, visiting the hidden cottage in the cemetery that nobody else knows is there...

3. Ravka (Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo)
To be able to go to the Little Palace and train among the Grisha (and maybe meet The Darkling)... who wouldn't want to dive into this world? 

4. The Tower (The Thousandth Floor Trilogy by Katharine McGee)
The parties, the technology, the building that has everything you'd ever need so you wouldn't actually have to ever leave if you didn't want to? Sign me up! I'll be sure to watch my step ;)

5. The Paris Opera House (RoseBlood by A.G. Howard)
As far as books about boarding schools go, none would be more fantastic that living and going to school in a historic opera house. It would be fantastic to see how they overhauled it for classrooms. 

I Think I'll Skip This Trip To...

1. Rosewood (Pretty Little Liars Series by Sara Shepard)
There's a little too much murder, secrets, blackmail, and betrayal going on in Rosewood for my taste. I'm not sure I'd make it out without having a nervous breakdown. 

2. The Post-Apocalyptic World of the Unknown Trilogy by Wendy Higgins
I love this series but I could never survive aliens coming to Earth, let alone being shipped off to camps and being told sex is completely forbidden except once a year with a person of the alien's choosing. And though I want to think of myself as brave, I'm not sure I'd make it as a soldier in the reclaiming of Earth either.

3. Sparrow (The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw)
I love, love, love this book but to live in a town where every summer three dead sisters return to steal the bodies of local girls in order to drown boys in the harbor - wow. And the people can't do anything to stop it and essentially have turned it into a tourist thing... wow. But I would love to try one of Mrs. Alba's Forgetful Cakes on the other hand...

4.Quivira, Kansas (Blood and Salt Duology by Kim Liggett)
Kansas would be bad enough, but to be trapped in a cult that your mother grew up in and expected to pick a mate and sacrifice yourselves to Katya? No thank you.

5. Gilead (The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood)
No. I don't even have to explain why this is the last bookish world I'd want to find myself in. Hell. No. 

What bookish worlds would you love to live in? Which ones would you avoid? Did any of yours make my list? Let me know in the comments or drop me a link to your answers! 
Happy Reading Bookdragons!
- 💀 Taylor 


  1. Replies
    1. Exactly! That would be the worst of all. I saw on Goodreads someone asked on the book page "wouldn't you like it if Gilead was real?" or something along those lines and when I saw it I was like: are you insane??? Who would want that?

  2. I would like to visit Velaris definitely and yeah, would probably avoid Rosewood.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/29/top-ten-tuesday-161/

  3. Velaris sounds pretty awesome, but ugh no thanks to Gilead!
