Monday, May 25, 2020

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - 25 May 2020


#IMWAYR is a weekly meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at The Book Date.

What I Read Last Week:
Dawn Till Dusk by Tyffany Hackett and Becky Moynihan
I went into this book both excited and nervous. Excited because I've been eager to read this one since I first heard about it. But also nervous because I've been in a reading funk where I can get so far into a book (usually 100 pages or so) and then my mood plunges and I don't feel like reading anything no matter how much I'm enjoying it. But this book kept me engaged and I loved both of the main characters.

Currently Reading
Bone Crier's Moon by Kathryn Purdie
I started this ARC at the beginning of the year but when I got to Bastien's first chapter I really disliked him as a character and set the book aside. But when Fairyloot started their read along on IG last week I decided to try again with my copy I got in their March box. I actually really got into it this time but I got behind on the read along so I'm hoping to have enough energy to finish it this week. I still hate Bastien by the way. And Jules. 

Up Next
Help Me Pick My Next Read!
A.) Fallen by Lauren Kate (reread)
B.) The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
C. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
D. Recommend Me A Book!

What have you been reading lately? Are you reading more lately or less?


  1. It's hard to go past Maggie Stiefvater for your next read!

  2. Those two covers are really striking in the elements they have in common (at least to my mind anyway!) I need to add Dawn to Dusk to my TBR and I definitely hear what you are saying about hitting a slump mid book. Recently, even some of the books I've ended up loving, I could have just put down and never returned to mid way. So many reader friends seem to be struggling too - and yet reading is our escape.

  3. I've started and quit The Raven Boys at least three times. One of these times I'll have to keep going with it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  4. I've actually tried reading it before and set it down but lately I've been thinking I just didn't give it enough of a chance. We'll see I guess.

  5. Hard to continue reading a book when you don’t like the characters, I hope it turns out better for you.

    Wishing you a great reading week
