Thursday, January 10, 2019

Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts

Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts is a Weekly Meme hosted by Christine @ Bookishly  Boisterous.

Happy Thursday Bookdragons! 

1. It's only the second week of the month and I am just plowing through my January TBR. I read four books last week and so far I'm on track to read at least two more this week. Considering there were only 7 books on my TBR list that's pretty good.

2. I'm thinking of reading Doctor Zhivago and War & Peace this year. I've been in a mood to read Russian literature since reading Romanov by Nadine Bandes and rewatching both War and Peace (the miniseries) and Doctor Zhivago in the past two weeks.

3. I'm beyond ready for spring and it's only January. I'm sick of the ice and the snow and the rain and all of it. I've fallen twice already this year.

4. One of my goals is to take a trip somewhere I've never been this year and I've made a list of a few possible places. I'm leaning towards one in particular and I'm just hoping I can make it happen.

5. I am in awe of the stupidity of a few couples on this past season of 90 Day Fiancé.  There's one couple in particular I really, really hate and everyone else seems to as well. How can you be so oblivious that you don't realize how much everyone despises you??

6. I'm trying my best to step out of my shell more this year. It occurred to me that I've lived in my current city almost a year and I haven't made a single friend my age. I'm active on social media talking to and making friends with people who love books and writing as much as I do, so my goal is to interact more with them - and meet new people. Instead of just scrolling through and liking I'm going to comment more.

7. I'm enjoying the Beat the Backlist challenge so much that I haven't bought any new books so far this year and I haven't been requesting as many ARCs.

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