Friday, January 11, 2019

F is for Friday - 11 January 2019

F Is For Friday is a weekly meme created and hosted by Nomadic Worlds.

How it Works:
1. Credit the creator of this tag (Nomadic Worlds ) and link back.
2. Answer the four questions to the best of your ability.
3. Most important of all, enjoy yourself!

F – Feature your latest book obsession (it doesn’t have to be your current read)
I – Indicate which book/s you are looking forward to reading this weekend.
F – Favorite quote of the week/day
F – Five things you’re happy or grateful for this week.

F- Feature your latest book obsession (it doesn't have to be your current read)

I've been raving about this book all week and it honestly deserves every bit of my praise. I love thrillers and this is definitely one of my new YA thriller favorites. 

I – Indicate which book/s you are looking forward to reading this weekend.

I read this book a few years ago on my nook and I just got a physical copy from Book Outlet and I'm planning to reread it over the weekend.

F – Favorite quote of the week/day
“It was hard to believe that once upon a time, she had been afraid of pretend things. The real world was pretty darn scary on its own. ” 
― Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie (The Rules)

I just love this quote. It's so fitting with the subject of the book.

F – Five things you’re happy or grateful for this week.

1. Helpful friends.
2. Book mail.
3. Crazy reality shows.
4. Less stress. 
5. Positive reviews from friends.

Have a great weekend Bookdragons!

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