Thursday, April 4, 2019

Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts - 4 April 2019

Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts is a Weekly Meme hosted by Christine @ Bookishly  Boisterous.

Happy Thursday Bookdragons! 

1. April 1st marked the one-year anniversary of my last move. It's so strange to look back through old pictures taken in our old apartment, although there are things I still miss (like having a closet). I moved in with my mom one-year ago on April first and it was a very tumultuous time in the beginning. There are things I like about my new town, but it was an eye-opener. I did not believe people lived the way people do in this small town. The standard of living is so far below what I'm used to I tend to look at people like they're the Wildlings from Game of Thrones. 

2. Because I need a break from the strange people in this town and their ideals on how the best way to live is, I'm so excited to go to the mall in Appleton tomorrow. I can't wait to look at books at Target!

3. Today would have been my great-uncle's 96th birthday. He was a big part of my life growing up because he lived with my grandmother and I up until he got sick with cancer when I was 12. He passed away June 7, 2005 at the age of 82. 

4. I am really annoyed with my grandmother's apartment building and it's shoddy wifi. It never seems to work when you need it and it's awful when you're trying to stream movies/shows so I haven't been able to continue watching Game of Thrones. 

5. This month my book club book is Daisy Jones and the Six. I started it on Monday and I should be finishing it in the next day or so. 

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