Thursday, February 18, 2021

What I'm Binge-Watching - 18 February 2021

What I'm Binge-Watching is a weekly meme to document all of our favorite binging obsessions. Follow along and let me know what you've been binge-watching lately!


Current Episode: Season 5 Episode 5 - Swap Meet

We haven't made too much progress since last week but at least we're in season 5 now!

Current Episode: New York - Whatever Discovery+ Plays, Atlanta - Season 2 Episode 9

We've been watching SYTTD: Atlanta more often and I think we're nearing the end of season 2. 

New Obsessions & Recent Binges

I literally started watching this docuseries the same night I posted last week's "What I'm Binge-Watching" and watched the whole thing in one night. In comparison with both the Ghost Adventures and ID Channel episodes and miniseries I thought Crime Scene was the best of the three shows (and not just because Ron Howard produced it). It seems to give viewers the whole, most factual picture where we finally hear that Elisa Lam had a history of stopping her medication, that she had psychotic episodes before including thinking people were after her and seeing/hearing things that weren't there, and that she had been institutionalized before. All of the behavior described and on the elevator footage is classic signs of someone with bipolar going off their medication. As for the web sleuths and their crazy theories.. everything from the paranormal to ruining a death metal musician's career just because he stayed at that same dumpy hotel a year prior? It went too far. Way too far. It's a perfect example of judging someone just because they're different from you. But I will say that I didn't like the former general manager of the Cecil that was interviewed. It was like the whole thing - the disappearance, discovery, and interview were a big joke to her. At times during the interview she was almost joking about what had happened in the past at the hotel or trivializing the clientele of the hotel & how often the police were called in a “so what” manner while in others it was like it was all about her. She should have taken it more seriously, someone did die, no matter the circumstances. Hell, lots of people died there and she was making it sound like an awesome place to work. 

My mom and I binged this over the weekend and I loved the first season, but the second and third seasons sucked in my opinion. 

I watched this all the way through on Monday. Well, sort of. I was watching it but I was also reading and doing stuff on my phone so it was more background noise than watching. As a horror show it was okay but the special effects and ghosts were so fake at times it was laughable... in the last episode you could almost see the "ghost" on a wheeled track charging toward one of the cult people. The acting was okay, the episodes short, and this is easily watchable in a few hours. 

Just Added to My Watchlist

This isn't really new to my watchlist but I just started watching it on Tuesday. I'm not really sure yet if I like it or not, I think I'll have to take it like books I'm considering DNF'ing (did not finish-ing). The acting isn't bad, but there was a scene with the main character and a bunch of wolves and the wolves were so oversized and obviously fake that it put me off. I wanted to watch this because it has Gustaf SkarsgĂ„rd (who played Floki on Vikings) in it as Merlin but I'm not sure even he can help me stay interested. 

What are you currently binge-watching? What are some of your latest obsessions that you couldn't get enough of? Let me know in the comments!
Happy binging!

1 comment:

  1. I am beyond terribly with tv shows. I don't tend to binge watch often and it's mainly due to not knowing what to watch. You gave me some great ideas now. I started watching The Sinner, but my husband didn't like it and then I completely forgot about it!

    Crime Scene will definitely work for me as well.

    Thanks for all the recommendations.

    Hope you are having a good weekend!

    Elza Reads
