Monday, March 1, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Characters Whose Job I Wished I Had

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and The Bookish and currently hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl.

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Characters Whose Jobs I Wish I Had
This week’s TTT is about characters whose job we would love to have. Not even necessarily because the job sounds fun, but maybe the coworkers are cool or the boss is hot. Let's see what kind of jobs I'd love to have... (although honestly, being unemployed right now I'd take pretty much anything... might throw an oddball in to show my desperation...)

1. Emma Davis, The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager - Artist

Not just an artist, one that's actually making money off their art. I've always wished I could paint like Emma does in this book but my attempts always look like preschool art projects 😆

2. Ingrid Beauchamp, Witches of East End Series - Librarian

Yep, that's the dream right there.

3. Daisy Jones, Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid - Rock Star

I know, I know, we're dreaming big here. I can't play any instrument and I don't sing well but isn't that everyone's dream at some point? To be a famous musician?

4. Stella Wright, Fifteen Minutes of Flame by Christin Brecher - Candlemaker

I think it would be awesome to open up a shop in a small town and make candles all the time.

5. Eliza Fontaine, The Elizas by Sara Shepard - Author

Well, I am a published author, I just wish I was a famous one 😭

6. Ed Larsen, Repeat by Kylie Scott, Tattoo Artist

Remember I said I couldn't paint? Well I don't draw so well either, but I love tattoos and always thought this would be an amazing job.

7. Naomi Bowes, The Obsession by Nora Roberts - Professional Photographer

I've always loved taking photos and unlike painting or drawing, I'm pretty good at it. This would be a job I'd enjoy. Especially if it allowed me to travel.

8. Willow Avery, Tidal by Emily Snow - Actress

Another one of those jobs you dream of having as a kid. Being an actress looks glamorous - until you don't have any privacy.

9. Emika Chen, Warcross by Marie Lu - Bounty Hunter Turned Professional Warcross Player

I think this is just because I think Warcross sounds awesome. 

10. Jules Larsen, Lock Every Door by Riley Sager - Apartment Sitter

Okay, here is my oddball. Anyone who has read this book knows it doesn't end well but $12,000 to live in a luxury apartment in the middle of NYC for 3 months? Um yeah, I'd take that in a heartbeat right now. 

What characters have jobs you'd love to have? Is it because of the job itself or the coworkers or boss?
Let me know in the comments or drop a link to your TTT!
Happy Reading Bookdragons!


  1. Being a famous author would be awesome.

    My post:

  2. A candlemaker? Hmmm, that can be interesting. I've made a few in my spare time. Lovely list you have! Librarian is a dream job yes. But it's also a hard job, especially if it's combined with another job!

    Happy TTT!

    Ten jobs Elza would love to have

  3. I would love to have even a shred of artistic ability. Sadly it was not meant to be!
    My TTT:

  4. Jules' gig doesn't end well, but if it were in a normal apartment building? Yes, please!

    Happy TTT!
