Monday, April 5, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: 4 Books I'd Gladly Throw in the Ocean

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and The Bookish and currently hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl.

Top Ten Tuesday: 4 Books I'd Gladly Throw in the Ocean
This week’s TTT is all about books we'd gladly throw in the ocean. I'm taking that to mean books we didn't like? Books we want to get rid of? Well that's the way I'm interpreting it anyway. Honestly, I could only think of 4 books I hated so strongly I'd want to obliterate them off the face of the earth. Sure, there are other books I've DNF'd but these four I definitely have an issue with...
1. Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis
This book was such a let down. It had all the set up to be a creepy read but you have a main character that is so annoying it's hard to get past the beginning. (I didn't. She used the word 'optimal' too many times in the first chapter or two and I just couldn't. Want a book that is similar in subject but way better written and a lot creepier? Go with The Lost Village by Camilla Sten)

2. Barking Madness by Ryan Hill
The author contacted me to review this book and it was so bad. I tried to give it a chance but the way it was written was portrayed the female character in such despicable and misogynistic ways I wanted to throw the book. Ha - I get it now... gladly throw it into the ocean 🤣

3. Heart of Ash by Kim Liggett
I don't know if this is technically "throw in the ocean"-worthy but it's a prime example of a sequel being completely different (in a bad way) from the first book. It was such a confusing read when compared with the plot of the first book.

4. You by Caroline Kepnes

I watched the show first. The first season was okay, typically Lifetime stuff. I didn't like the second season and stopped watching. But the book? Joe is way more messed up and gross on the page. I couldn't get past page 60. 

What books would you gladly throw in the ocean?
Let me know in the comments or drop a link to your TTT!
Happy Reading Bookdragons!


  1. Good for you for knowing your limits.

    My post:

  2. Omg I loved 'You' 😬 but I can definitely see why people don't like it! I took this week as books we hated as well.
    Here's mine:

  3. I liked the show better than book of You, you're right, Joe was definitely more creepy.
    My TTT:

  4. I haven't heard of these books before. I guess I know why.
