Friday, August 11, 2017

8 Books or Series I Haven't Read (Yet)

I saw another book blogger do a post like this which made me think of some of the books or series on my TBR shelf that I'm embarrassed to say I haven't gotten to yet. Some have been due to length and trying to fit them into my reading schedule and some I just don't have any excuse for. 

Ultimately I'd like to clear my TBR shelf of at least all the current books stacked on it by the end of the year so maybe this will kick me into action.

The Red Queen Series

This series hasn't been hanging around on my TBR shelf for too long. Well, only five or six months. I have Red Queen and Glass Sword and I don't have any real reason as to why I haven't picked them up yet

A friend of mine on #bookstagram loves to pick these books apart a lot, but she rarely likes anything she reads so it's not because I don't think I'll like them. I just haven't felt like reading them just yet.

An Ember in the Ashes

I bought this book because I'd heard good things about it and I like the
cover, but so far I don't have any real interest in reading it. 

This book falls firmly in the "Books I Bought Because Everyone Else Was Reading It" category. 

The Remnant Chronicles
I'm embarrassed at how long I've been saying I was going to read these books! For months I've put them on my monthly TBR schedule only to not get to even the first one.

I am really excited to read this series and I've been eyeing them hopefully for over a year but they are really long books! Sometimes I get swamped with my ARC reading so anything fun I'd planned to read gets shoved aside, and this series seems to be the biggest one that it happens to!

City of Bones

Everyone loves this book and the series. Years ago I had bought what I think was a prequel that I never got into because I didn't understand it. 

Eventually, I decided to try again with City of Bones at the urging of another of my #bookstagram friends so I picked up a copy a few months ago. This one I might get to quicker than some of the others on this list because it falls into my "anything but high fantasy" reading wishlist right now.  

Game of Thrones
This is another series that everyone seems to have read besides me. This series first became popular long before I fell in love with fantasy novels and now I'm playing catch-up.

I plan to read at least the first book (and then maybe watching the series will make some sense) and see if I like it enough to read the rest of the series.

This is another one that's massively long which is another reason that I probably haven't jumped at the chance to read it.

The Great Pursuit
I loved the first book, The Great Hunt, but I put off reading the second book when ACOWAR came out and I absolutely had to read that first. 

I haven't gotten a chance to get back to The Great Pursuit but it will most likely be one of the first books I read after my fantasy novel ban comes to an end.

Never Die Alone
I love Lisa Jackson, she's one of my favorite authors. My grandmother read this book and gave it to me to read but until recently it wasn't on my main TBR shelf.

I'm thinking this will be a great Autumn, heart-pounding read to give a try in October if I don't get to it sooner. 

This book has been on my TBR shelf for the longest. This was
also a book I picked up before I really got into fantasy and at the time I had the entire trilogy. When I didn't think I could get into them I got rid of the first two books and now tracking them down online sucks. 

Will I ever read this book? Hopefully, but I'd like to read the first two first.


Have you read any of these books? Are there any you think I absolutely have to read? Some you think I should skip?

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