Monday, August 1, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and The Bookish and currently hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl.

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit
This week’s TTT is all about books set in places I'd love to visit. I'm really into traveling and one of my weird quirks is looking to see if there are any books set in the places I want to go. Here are 9 books set in places I'd love to visit or have visited and 2 books set in a place I wouldn't want to go after reading tons of horror and thrillers set there...

1. A Lowcountry Bride by Preslaysa Williams (Charleston, South Carolina)
I went to Charleston last year and fell in love with it. I read this book when I was back home and missing Charleston and it felt like I was right back there. 

2. Surviving Savannah by Patti Callahan (Savannah, Georgia)
The 1838 timeline of this book primarily takes place on the steamboat Pulaski, but throughout the book you definitely get a feel for Savannah!

3. My Calamity Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows (Deadwood, South Dakota)
My mom and I went to Deadwood in June and I believe either all or part of this book is set in Deadwood, so it would be interesting to see The Lady Janies's take on 1876 Deadwood!

4. Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco (Bran Castle, Romania)
It's actually the picture of Bran Castle in the book that I fell in love with and put it on my someday travel-to list.

5. Reawakened by Colleen Houck (Egypt)
Egypt has always been on my to-visit-someday list but this book is so much fun!

6. RoseBlood by A.G. Howard (Paris, France)

7. Curse of the Bruel Coven by Sabrina Ramoth (New Orleans, Louisiana)

8. Dark Witch by Nora Roberts (Ireland)

9. The Hollow by Jessica Verday (Sleepy Hollow, New York)

and 1 Place I would Not Like to Visit After Reading Multiple Books Set There...

What books are set in places you'd like to go? What fictional places would you like to visit?
Let me know in the comments or drop a link to your TTT!
Happy Reading Bookdragons!


  1. Maine does appear to be a murder capitol.... That made me chuckle!

    I've been to Egypt and would love to travel there again.

    Ireland made my list as well, but with a different book.

    Happy TTT!

    Elza Reads

    1. Right? There must be something in the water in Maine!

      Egypt looks like such a cool place to see, and so rich with history!

      I'd love to visit the part of Ireland that my ancestors came from, hopefully someday!

  2. I'd love to go to New Orleans, I've heard really great things about it, particularly the food and the music! Bran Castle definitely sounded amazing from Hunting Prince Dracula, so I would be interested to see what it's like in real life. I feel like I really should have gone to Ireland by this point as I live in the UK, so it's not exactly far, but I've just never had the chance to. I'd love to go to Egypt and I'd also really like to go back to Paris as I loved it the last time I was there.
    My TTT:

    1. Yes, the whole culture of New Orleans sounds like it would be a fun place to go! My only drawback is it has a really high crime rate.

      I hope you get to all the places you want to see too!

  3. South Carolina is a beautiful state!
    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  4. I vaguely remember driving through Deadwood when I was younger. We never stopped because I was too young to do any of the fun stuff, and I didn't want to be stuck watching my 1-year-old nephew. But I wouldn't mind going back again now that I'm older.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Yeah, a lot of Deadwood is catered toward gambling and such, which didn't really interest my mom or I. I was more into the history. I hope you get to go someday!

  5. I would love to go to all of these places. The one I would like to go to most is Savannah, Georgia. The city has a lot of history.
